We have shared knowledge with individuals, institutions or companies in many formats, such as private or public discussions and/or webinars. (Click the names of person who provided testimonies to access to their LinkedIn profiles.)
- Frida Listiani ,
Head of Training & Knowledge Management
at PT Transportation Jakarta (Transjakarta )
(July 2020)
“Thank you very much sir... the material was really enlightening”
“Many participants praised the presentation... your explanation was clear... and easy to apply to the SMEs”
“...very inspiring in how we may develop a business planning. An interactive webinar with applicable case studies, so that they could be understood and offered insights about the concept of effective entrepreneurships”
"Thank you for your insightful presentation, it was an interactive session!"
“Great presentation, very clear and detailed. And also interactive...”
"We learnt insights that TransJakarta always needs to change for the better. The explanations were easy to understand and the examples given were well related to TransJakarta"
- A participant at my workshop in an airline on 'Business Model Innovation Using the Business Model Canvas'
(April 2021)
- Johannes Boroh,
at Strademia
“The session was fun, so it makes it easy to absorb the business model innovation concept”
“Let's go, don't miss the boat! Grow your business even further!”